Presentation Summary
Nagano Pref.

Iida Municipal Wada Elementary School, 5th grade

Growing Rice

2022 junior high school #Southern Alps BR #SDGs2: Zero Hunger #SDGs3: Good Health and Well-Being #SDGs4: Quality Education #SDGs12: Responsible Consumption and Production #SDGs15: Life On Land #SDGs17: Partnerships for the Goals #Agriculture

Every year, fifth graders engage in rice growing as part of our comprehensive study. In April, fifth-graders who are “looking forward to rice growing” and “learning how to do it” encountered the challenges facing Shonai plains in their study of rice-growing regions in social studies, and earnestly created the theme of rice growing to protect Japanese rice. We are learning more about what we can do, and what we can do now, while making use of the experience of rice growing with community people.