Presentation Summary
Fukui Pref.
Ono Municipal Sakadani Elementary School, 5th and 6th grades
Starry Sky Presentation
elementary school
#Hakusan BR
#SDGs7: Affordable and Clean Energy
#SDGs11: Sustainable Cities and Communities
#SDGs12: Responsible Consumption and Production
#SDGs17: Partnerships for the Goals
#Satoyama(traditional rural landscapes)
#Community Development

The Minamirokuroshi area in Ono City, Fukui Prefecture, aims to be certified as an International Dark Sky Place in fiscal 2023. The school district of Sakadani Elementary School includes the Minamirokuroshi area. Aiming for the certification, we are learning about the charms of the starry skies of the Sakadani area from various people, compiling them, and transmitting information. We are presenting not only the starry sky, but also regional charms. We are working toward a sustainable area.